Set up R53 DNS Entry for GitBook

This guide shows how to set up a custom URL for GitBook using Route53 in AWS


You will require to have a domain already registered with AWS in order for this guide to work

GitBook config:

  1. Click Publish

  2. Select either Public or Unlisted

3. Click Confirm

4. Click Link and domain settings

5. Click Connect a domain

6. Enter domain or subdomain name:

7. Copy CNAME "link"

This will be needed for the AWS DNS configuration

AWS config:

Go to Route53 --> Hosted Zones --> Click Domain name --> Click Create Record

  1. Set up Record Name

  2. Select CNAME

  3. Insert Github link you've recived earier

  4. Click create record

5. Click Retry in GitBook


The DNS CNAME Record could take up to 30 minutes to update and propagate


GitBook configure DNS

Last updated