Core tenets of Security, Privacy and Compliance

Core Tenets of Security, Privacy and Compliance

Azure: Trusted Cloud

  • Security

  • Privacy

  • Compliance

  • Resiliency

  • Intellectual Property (IP) protection


  • Azure is built with security in mind

  • Azure delivers tools and technologies to help organizations protect applications and data

  • Azure uses encryption

  • Azure offers advanced tools to detect and defend against security threats


  • You own all your data in Azure

  • MSFT will not mine your data or use it for marketing

  • You control where the data is located and who has access

  • You can access your own data at any time for any reason

  • MSFT follows a specific policy for government and law enforcement request

  • MSFT follows a specific policy to remove data if you discontinue using their service


  • MSFT follows international standards and helps customers to follow those standards too if they wish

  • Azure has more then 90 compliance certifications

  • Azure follows more then 50 regional standards

  • Azure can help with standards in more then 35 industries like health care, government, finance, etc

Reliability and Resiliency

  • High availability

  • Disaster recovery

  • Backup

Protecting IP

  • You can build your solutions on top of Azure's products and services

  • Azure offers specific protections against frivolous infringement claims

  • Azure IP Advantage and Shared Innovation Initiative

Last updated