What is DevOps?

What is DevOps?

  • Methodology asking users for feedback with CI/CD


  • Planning - how to build the app

  • Coding - building the features

  • Building - get the version done (for different OS, etc)

  • Testing - Test these versions (Automation or Manual Testing)

  • Release - releasing the app (usually blue - green deployment is done here)

  • Deploy - via CI/CD to release on the internet

  • Operate - scaling, adding more resources for the load, etc

  • Monitoring - See if any issues arise, see if everything works fine

  • After all the feedback, back to the planning stage & DO IT AGAIN

What is DevOps Engineering?

  • Practical use of DevOps within software engineering teams. Being able to build, test, release and monitor applications

DevOps Engineering Pillars:

  • Pull Request automation

  • Deployment automation

  • Application performance automation

Pull Request automation

  • Developers share code changes using git tools like Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket

  • A set of code changes in git tools is called a pull request or a merge request

  • Inf pull requests are approved, the code changes can go into the main codebase

Deployment automation

  • Deploy a feature to a certain set of users as a final test before rolling it out (canary deployment)

  • Starting new versions of services without causing downtime (blue-green deployment)

  • Rolling back to the prior version in case something goes wrong

Last updated