Learning guidelines


  1. Operating System families – Unix – from the beginning to current versions

  2. Application hosted and where is it used

  3. PC architecture – where is the OS place

  4. Virtualization concepts

  5. Overview for preparing the environment

  6. Environment Prepare the environment.

  7. Application needed – Virtual Box or AWS account.

  8. Centos as basic OS for training Connecting to Linux

  9. SSH and Putty 4 Lesson 1: Presentation of environments”

  10. Environment in Cloud

  11. AWS used as it have free tier option with one year free usage of one VM

  • How to connect to AWS Cloud

  • How to create an account

  • What are basic AWS services – EC2 and VPC

  • How to use them for quick VM provision

  • How to connect – Putty and keys


  • Create own AWS account

  • Provision new VM.

  • Terminate the VM Tools needed: WEB Browser, valid email and valid credit card (no money will be taken from it)

Putty and puttygen – download.

  • What is putty why we need it

  • How to convert a aws pem file to ppk

  • What are pem and ppk formats for keys. What are ssh keys

  • Connect to AWS provisioned VM


  • Convert own account pem to ppk file

  • Connect to AWS Hosted VM

  • Hit command: sudo poweroff Tools needed: browser, internet, aws account, putty and puttygen

Environment locally – Virtual Box application used as it is free of usage and no license usage costs:

  • What is Virtual Box and what other application for virtualization on desktops

  • How to create a VM and what are the components of a VM locally hosted


  • Download and Install Virtual Box

  • Download Centos minimal

  • Create a VM Tools needed – browser, PC or laptop, some space on disk, some RAM and internet connectivity 2.3 Lesson 4: Install Centos on local environment:

  1. Environment locally – Install Centos

  • Download and install Centos on Virtual Box

  • What steps are needed during installation


  • Download and Install Centos on Virtual Box

  • Connect to VM Tools needed – browser, PC or laptop, some space on disk, some RAM and internet connectivity

Presentation of Linux filesystem:

  • What is a file

  • What is a folder

  • What is linux filesystem format (not to be confused with disks/filesystems)

  • Directories: Managing directories

  • Create/remove a directory – mkdir/rmdir

  • List a directory – ls, ll - Managing files

  • Create/remove a files – touch

  • View file content – cat, less, more, grep, tail, head

  • Copy files – cp, scp, mv - Working with symlinks

  • What is a symlink

  • Why to use it and where

  • How to create a symlink

  • Create a folder

  • Create a file and move it between folders

  • Create symlink to a folder and copy data to symlink

  • Delete folders and files

Basic Linux Users and Groups Useradd, passwd, /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow

  • Working with Users, Groups, and Directories

  • Creating and Deleting User Accounts

  • Change password with passwd

  • Specific commands and data that can be added with useradd

  • “root” user - important files for users

  • /etc/passwd

  • /etc/shadow - Understanding sudo

  • What it is being used

  • visudo

  • sudoers and how to allow user to do root commands


  • Add user with useradd and adduser (to be installed from repo)

  • Delete user with userdel. Where and what should be removed

Basic Linux Files. Folders/directories

  • Overview of the file and folder permissions - Read, Write & Execute Permissions

  • chmod command

  • ls, ln - Viewing File Permissions

  • chown command - Changing permissions


  • Work with permission and ownership

  • Changing permission and ownership

Locating needed info find, locate

  • find

  • locate

Working with archive – tar, gzip, unzip - archiving and de archiving

  • archiving with tar command

  • archiving with zip command

  • untar and unzip - work with archived files

  • why do we need archived files

  • zcat and zgrep

  • Basic Linux Package installation – repositories vs yum vs sources vs rpms

  • What is a software on Linux

  • User and Group Permissions - Overview of the file and folder permissions

  • Read, Write & Execute Permissions

  • chmod command - Viewing File Permissions

  • ls, ln: Changing permissions

  • chown command 10 Basic Linux Package installation

  • working with directories – finding free space, find partitions space,

Basic Linux Processes

  • ps, kill 2 13 Basic Linux Networking – basic concepts

  • OSI, TCP/IP, IP addressing, IP and subnet mask, Ports (UDP/TCP), applications

Basic Linux Networking

  • check interfaces - route, ifconfig, ifup, ifdown, arp

  • Configure interface

  • troubleshooting

  • tcpdump, netstat, ping, mtr, telnet

Advance Linux Networking

  • tunnels (SSH, GRE), iptables, mangle, routing tables, iproute, bind,

Advance Linux Operating System

  • Daemon Management

  • runlevels, chkconfig, init.d

  • Scripting

  • bash

  • provision (vagrant and Ansible)

Advance Linux Package installation

  • Install basic LAMP server and have a web page working

  • Install files from source

Advance Linux File Systems

  • types, fstab, mounts

  • check, volumes, LVMs, Storage

Advance Linux RAM

  • free, htop and top, balloon

Advance Linux Processes

  • lsof

Last updated