Storing in Array

  • You could store the info in a Global variable in Memory to test out the functionality

my_posts = [

    "title": "title of post 1",
    "content": "content of post 1",
    "id": 1

    "title": "favorite foods",
    "content": "Pizza",
    "id": 2
  • This creates 2 posts with IDs so we can test out our HTTP Requests

  • We have the following python function to retrieve the data

def get_posts():
    return {"data": my_posts}
  • If we use a GET request via Postman to get the data

  • We will get the following data

    "data": [
            "title": "title of post 1",
            "content": "content of post 1",
            "id": 1
            "title": "favorite foods",
            "content": "Pizza",
            "id": 2
  • We get the data properties followed by the posts that we have in the List/Array

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