Trust Center

Trust center

  • This place where a lot of documentation is

  • Contained within this:

    • Azure compliance

    • Privacy statement

    • Transparency

    • Azure Government

    • Azure Industries

  • Contains Compliance terms such as GDPR, ISO and NIST

  • Portal for all legal documentations

  • Many different standards for technology across the world

  • MSFT claims to be in compliance with many of them

  • Has tools to help you be compliant

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

  • GDPR is a new set of rules designed to give EU citizens more control over their personal data

  • Affects companies outside the EU that handle EU citizen's data

  • Data has to be collected legally under strict conditions

  • Data has to be protected from misuse

  • Reporting obligations if data is mishandled

ISO - International Organization for Standardization

NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)

  • Whole page in the trust center

Last updated