Ansible Cheatsheet

Ping machine

ansible -i ./inventory/hosts <group_name> -m <command> --user <server_user> --ask-pass

Password prompt with apk-pass

Note that this is not safe, usually better to use SSH Keys

ansible -i ~/ansible/inventory servers -m ping --user root --ask-pass

Playbook run:

playbooks are used to automate tasks

To run playbook:

ansible-playbook ~/ansible/playbooks/<playbook_name> --user <server_user> --ask-pass --ask-become-pass -i ~/ansible/inventory

--ask-become-pass asks to become super user

To run playbook and become super user:

ansible-playbook ./playbooks/apt.yml --user root --ask-become-pass -i ./inventory/hosts

To run playbook with specific key use args: --key-file

ansible-playbook $HOME/playbooks/apt.yml --user root --ask-become-pass -i $HOME/inventory/hosts --key-file $HOME/.ssh/ansible_ed25519

To run playbook for ssh autorized_keys:

ansible-playbook $HOME/playbooks/autorized_keys.yml --user root --ask-become-pass -i $HOME/inventory/hosts --key-file $HOME/.ssh/ansible_ed25519

To check playbook syntax use:

ansible-playbook foo.yml --check

To check the playbook tags use:

ansible-playbook <path-to-playbook/playbook.yml> --list-tags

ansible-playbook $HOME/playbooks/user_management.yml --list-tags

To execute playbook with tags use:

ansible-playbook <path_to_playbook/paybook.yml> --tags <tag_name>
ansible-playbook $HOME/playbooks/user_management.yml --tags add_new_group

To execute multiple tags:

ansible-playbook $HOME/playbooks/user_management.yml --tags add_new_group,add_new_user

To execute playbook for specific groups, you have to provide the hosts file like so:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbooks/user_management.yml --tags 

The playbook must include the group required to run this:

- hosts: other
  become_user: root

To roll out specific hosts file with specific user and user password run:

ansible-playbook -i $HOME/inventory/hosts $HOME/playbooks/initial_server_config.yml --tags create_users,create_groups,add_users_to_sudo --user root --ask-pass

Last updated