
Describe Azure cost management and Service Level Agreements (10-15%)

Describe methods for planning and managing costs

  • Identify factors that can affect costs (resource types, services, locations, ingress and egress traffic)

  • Identify factors that can costs (reserved instances, reserved capacity, hybrid use benefit, spot pricing)

    • Describe the functionality and usage of the Pricing calculator and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculator

  • Describe the functionality and usage of Azure Cost Management

Describe Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and service lifecycle

  • Describe the purpose of Azure Service Level Agreements (SLA)

  • Identify factors that can impact an SLA (i.e Availability Zones)

  • Describe the service lifecycle in Azure (Public Preview and General Availability)

Factors affecting costs

  • Different services are billed based on different factors

Free Services

  • Resource groups

  • Virtual networks (up to 50)

  • Load balancer (basic)

  • Azure Active Directory (basic)

  • Network security groups

  • Free-tier web apps (up to 10)

Metered services

  • Tracking time

  • Tracking GB

  • Number of executions

  • Tracking traffic

Pay per usage model (consumption model)

Opportunity for cost savings

  • Azure functions:

    • 1 million executions free per month

    • $0.20 per million executions

    • Cheapest virtual machine is $20 per month

Pay per usage Services:

  • Functions

  • Logic Apps

  • Storage (pay per GB)

  • Outbound bandwidth

  • Cognitive Services API

Pay for time (per second):

  • Per second billing means billing stops when the VM is stopped

  • You are also paying for storage even tho the VM is stopped

Stability in pricing

  • Pay a fixed price per month for computing power or storage capacity

  • Whether you use it or not

  • Discounts for 1-year or 3-year commitment in VM (Reserved instances)

  • Multi-tenant or isolated environment

Pay for Bandwidth

  • First 5 GB is free

  • Inbound data is free (Data coming into Azure)

  • 1 PB of data transferred = $52.000

Last updated