Creating functions

Introduction to Functions

The help function:

help(print) # You can pass any other function to the help function and this will provide you with info about that particular function
# You just add the name of the function
  • This shows arguments

  • Provides info of what the function does

The print function:

# A function does something
print(args) # You pass to a function arguments

Creating your own function:

You define functions with the word def

# Defining the function:
def greet_person():
	print("Hello there, this is a greeting...")
# Calling the function:

Calling function instances with args:

def greet_person(jiberish): # For this to run it awaits the jiberish arg
	print("Hello there, this is a greeting...")
# Calling the function with an arg
greet_person("Taz") # It will not complain as we are adding a arg

To do a more personalized greeting:

def greet_person(name): 
	print("Hello there " + name + "!")

# Will print: Hello there Chris!

Adding a default argument to the function:

  • This is used when an arg is not passed to the function

def greet_person(name = "your name"): 
	print("Hello there " + name + "!")
# Will print: Hello there your name!

Adding and documenting functions in a prod environment:

def greet_person(name = "your name"):
	DOCSTRING: this returns a greeting
	INPUT: name
	OUTPUT: hello ... name
	print("Hello there " + name + "!")
  • When you are defining a function the value is a Parameter

  • When you are calling a function the value is a Argument

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