Networking Resources

Networking Services Covered:

  • Virtual Networks

  • VPN Gateway

  • VPnet Peering

  • ExpressRoute

Types of Networking Services:

  • Connectivity Services

  • Protection Services

  • Delivery Services

  • Monitoring Services


Virtual Network: Emulating a physical network Microsoft Global Network already exists so a virtual network is just software configuration

Virtual Private Network (VPN): connecting two networks as if they were on the same network, uses a Network Gateway

ExpressRoute: high-speed private connection to Azure

Protection - Security:

DDos Protection: Distributed denial of Service attack protection

Azure Firewall

Network Security Groups: - Access control list

Private Link

Delivery - Not on the Exam:

Load Balancer: distribute traffic evenly between multiple backend servers

Application Gateway: a higher-level of loadbalancer with an optional firewall

Content Delivery Network (CDN): stores common static files on the edge, closer to the users for (percived) improved performance

Azure Front Door Service: a load balancer, CDN and firewall all-in-one

Monitoring - Management Tools:

Network Watcher

ExpressRoute Monitor

Azure Monitor

Last updated