Classes and Objects


  • Uses the keyword class

  • To leave for later you use the pass keyword

class Vehicle:
  • How a class template should look like:

class Vehicle:
	def __init__(self, body_type, make):
		vehicle_body = body_type
		vehicle_make = make
# Initiallizing the class:
car1 = Vehicle("jeep", "toyota")


The above code will fail to print as the object car1 does not have a vehicle_body attribute. That is where the self argument comes in. If you modify the variables assigned with self. before it will initialize itself and you will have access to the varios items in the class

class Vehicle:
	def __init__(self, body_type, make):
		self.vehicle_body = body_type # Using self
		self.vehicle_make = make      # To reference itself
                                      # For other objects
# Initiallizing the class:
car1 = Vehicle("jeep", "toyota")
car2 = Vehicle("truck", "mercedes")

# Prints jeep
# prints mercedes

The self keyword is used to reference itself

  • Technically car1 and car2 are variables but they are pointing to an object in memory

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