For Loops

For Loops

Iterate through code like lists, tuple, dictionary:

# Itterate though a list
farm_animals = ['goat', 'horse', 'chicken', 'cow', 'dog']

# The 'animal' variable is defined in for loop:
for animal in farm_animals:
	print(animal) # Will print each element in the list
	sentence = animal + " is safe in our farm"
	print(sentence) # Will print the sentence which each animal in list
	print('hello world') # This will run as many times as items in the list

Note: This runs exactly the same way with tuple

Iterating through string:

greeting = "hello my name is tim"

for char in greeting:
	print(char) # prints each character separately
# End this look once we come accros the letter "N":
for char in greeting:
	if char == "n":
		break # If you want to move to next part of code but "break" out of the loop

The "break" argument is used to get out of a loop early and move on to the next part of the code that you are running

The "exit" argument is used to stop the code completely

The "continue" argument prevents the next lines of code in the loop to run but restarts the loop:

for char in greeting:
	if char == "n":
	print(char) # Will not print the n character but will print the rest after encountering "n"

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