Quick LibreELEC guide

  1. You need to flash the image first with DD

  2. and then you will have to replace dtb.img on the flashed USB with the dtb.img in the folder

  3. Remote won't work so you will have to download a remote config file and place it in /storage/.config File is in folder

  4. Then you have to run remotecfg command on file remotecfg /storage/.config/remote.cfg

  5. Config file:

#    this file is configuration for each factory remote device
#    factory_code      each device has it's unique factory code.
#                      pattern: custom_code(16bit) + index_code(16bit)
#                      examble: 0xff000001 = 0xff00(custom_code) + 0001(index_code)
#    work_mode         0 :software mode  1 :hardware mode
#    repeat_enable     0 :disable repeat 1 :enable repeat
#    release_delay     unit: ms
#                      release will report from kernel to user layer after this period
#                      of time from press or repeat triggered.
#    debug_enable      0 :debug disable  1 :debug disable
#    bit_count         how many bits in each frame
#    tw_leader_act     time window for leader active
#    tw_bit0           time window for bit0 time.
#    tw_bit1           time window for bit1 time
#    tw_repeat_leader  time window for repeat leader
# REG:
#    reg_base_gen      set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BASE_GEN
#    reg_control       set value for PREG_IR_DEC_CONTROL
#    reg_leader_act    set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_ACTIVE
#    reg_leader_idle   set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_IDLE
#    reg_repeat_leader set value for PREG_IR_DEC_REPEAT_IDLE
#    reg_bit0_time     set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BIT0_TIME
#amlogic NEC remote
factory_code    = 0xfe010001
work_mode       = 0
repeat_enable   = 1
repeat_delay    = 130
repeat_peroid   = 120
release_delay   = 20
debug_enable    = 1
 fn_key_scancode       = 0x52 #MOUSE
# left_key_scancode     = 0x25 #LEFT
# right_key_scancode    = 0x27 #RIGHT
# up_key_scancode       = 0x26 #UP
# down_key_scancode     = 0x28 #DOWN
# ok_key_scancode       = 0x0d #OK
#        0 0x25 #LEFT
#        1 0x27 #RIGHT
#        2 0x26 #UP
#        3 0x28 #DOWN
   0x40 116 #Power
   0x5a 164 #PLAYPAUSE (MUTE)
   0x43 398 #RED
   0x0f 399 #GREEN
#   0x10 400 #YELLOW
#   0x18 401 #BLUE
   0x10 104 #PAGEUP (VOL-)
   0x55 168 #REWIND
   0x54 208 #FASTFORWARD
   0x18 109 #PAGEDOWN (VOL+)
   0x51 105 #LEFT
   0x50 106 #RIGHT
   0x16 103 #UP
   0x1a 108 #DOWN
   0x13 28  #ENTER (OK)
   0x11 102 #HOME
   0x19 1   #ESC (BACK)
   0x4c 46  #C (CONTEXTMENU)
##   0x52 nn  #MOUSE (dont use this line, key is mapped in fn_key_scancode)
   0x01 11  #No.0
   0x4e 2   #No.1
   0x0d 3   #No.2
   0x0c 4   #No.3
   0x4a 5   #No.4
   0x09 6   #No.5
   0x08 7   #No.6
   0x46 8   #No.7
   0x05 9   #No.8
   0x04 10  #No.9
   0x42 14  #BACKSPACE
#   0x58 23  #INFO
   0x41 113 #MUTE
#   0x56 114 #VOLUMEDOWN
#   0x4e 115 #VOLUMEUP
#   0x09 364 #FAVORITES
#   0x11 102 #HOME
#   0x54 158 #BACK
#   0x4f 171 #CONFIG

Last updated