Configure X96 Mini Remote


  1. Go to: /storage/.config

cd /storage/.config
  1. Create remote.conf.

vim remote.conf
  1. Add the following config:

#    this file is configuration for each factory remote device
#    factory_code      each device has it's unique factory code.
#                      pattern: custom_code(16bit) + index_code(16bit)
#                      examble: 0xff000001 = 0xff00(custom_code) + 0001(index_code)
#    work_mode         0 :software mode  1 :hardware mode
#    repeat_enable     0 :disable repeat 1 :enable repeat
#    release_delay     unit: ms
#                      release will report from kernel to user layer after this period
#                      of time from press or repeat triggered.
#    debug_enable      0 :debug disable  1 :debug disable
#    bit_count         how many bits in each frame
#    tw_leader_act     time window for leader active
#    tw_bit0           time window for bit0 time.
#    tw_bit1           time window for bit1 time
#    tw_repeat_leader  time window for repeat leader
# REG:
#    reg_base_gen      set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BASE_GEN
#    reg_control       set value for PREG_IR_DEC_CONTROL
#    reg_leader_act    set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_ACTIVE
#    reg_leader_idle   set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_IDLE
#    reg_repeat_leader set value for PREG_IR_DEC_REPEAT_IDLE
#    reg_bit0_time     set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BIT0_TIME
#amlogic NEC remote
factory_code    = 0xfe010001
work_mode       = 0
repeat_enable   = 1
repeat_delay    = 130
repeat_peroid   = 120
release_delay   = 20
debug_enable    = 1
 fn_key_scancode       = 0x52 #MOUSE
# left_key_scancode     = 0x25 #LEFT
# right_key_scancode    = 0x27 #RIGHT
# up_key_scancode       = 0x26 #UP
# down_key_scancode     = 0x28 #DOWN
# ok_key_scancode       = 0x0d #OK
#        0 0x25 #LEFT
#        1 0x27 #RIGHT
#        2 0x26 #UP
#        3 0x28 #DOWN
   0x40 116 #Power
   0x5a 164 #PLAYPAUSE (MUTE)
   0x43 398 #RED
   0x0f 399 #GREEN
#   0x10 400 #YELLOW
#   0x18 401 #BLUE
   0x10 104 #PAGEUP (VOL-)
   0x55 168 #REWIND
   0x54 208 #FASTFORWARD
   0x18 109 #PAGEDOWN (VOL+)
   0x51 105 #LEFT
   0x50 106 #RIGHT
   0x16 103 #UP
   0x1a 108 #DOWN
   0x13 28  #ENTER (OK)
   0x11 102 #HOME
   0x19 1   #ESC (BACK)
   0x4c 46  #C (CONTEXTMENU)
##   0x52 nn  #MOUSE (dont use this line, key is mapped in fn_key_scancode)
   0x01 11  #No.0
   0x4e 2   #No.1
   0x0d 3   #No.2
   0x0c 4   #No.3
   0x4a 5   #No.4
   0x09 6   #No.5
   0x08 7   #No.6
   0x46 8   #No.7
   0x05 9   #No.8
   0x04 10  #No.9
   0x42 14  #BACKSPACE
#   0x58 23  #INFO
   0x41 113 #MUTE
#   0x56 114 #VOLUMEDOWN
#   0x4e 115 #VOLUMEUP
#   0x09 364 #FAVORITES
#   0x11 102 #HOME
#   0x54 158 #BACK
#   0x4f 171 #CONFIG
  1. Reboot device

Last updated