SSRS Overview

How to login and use to the SSRS service

  • RDP to Server

  • Then login to http://<server_name>/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx with Internet Explorer (exclusively)

General options for SSRS:

From here you can:

  1. Run Report Builder

  2. Modify Folder permissions

  3. Upload new objects

  4. Manage the properties of existing objects

  5. Edit an object in Report Builder

User Management:

How to grant roles to Users:

  1. On the SSRS Service Page click on Ordnereinstellungen

  2. Click on "Bearbeiten" next to the user which should get a new role / remove a role:

  3. Edit the role:

Adding a new user and roles:

  1. Click on "Neue Rollenzuweisung"

  2. Select Username, role and confirm:

Report Differences:

Use the below screencap as reference for differences in the queries between the SSRS instances

How to select and run the Reports:

Types of Report:

  1. Standard Report

  2. Global Report

  3. Manual ID Report

  4. Standard Report: This type of report has the naming convention: _standard

Standard Reports are used when it is asked for Specific Leasingnahmer, Vertragsnummer and Vertragskomponenten. For report execution requests, click on the appropriate report and fill in the 3 mandatory filters + click on View Report

The report results can be Saved in an Excel file for further handling 2. Global Report: This type of report has the naming convention: _global

Global Reports are used when it is asked for ALL Global Information to be included in a Report. The Report does not have filters and runs automatically. The report results can be Saved in an Excel file for further handling

  1. Manual ID Report: This type of report has the naming convention: _manual_id

The Manual ID Report has a manual insertion for Specific Entity in order to get ALL Data for a Specific Entity. This means that anything that is selected in the 3 Fields is irrelevant as this will run the same Query

To run the Report for a different ID the @partnerids parameter has to be modified.

To do this in SSRS:

  1. Click on Edit in Report Builder

  2. Expand the Datasets field

  3. Right click on Query

  4. Modify the following Parameter to the required Entity:

  5. Save the Report and run it normally

Overwrite report

  1. Click the Upload File button

  2. Click Choose File button

  3. Choose the new report, tick the Overwrite item if exists button and press OK

Last updated