Send Data via Body of HTTP Request

We are using Postman to create the HTTP Request with Body data

For additional info on how Postman works click here

  • Go to the Body of the POST request

  • Go to RAW under the Body section and usually you want to select JSON

Note: You can use other types as well depending on needs. Such as XML, JS, Text

JSON works very similar to a python dictionary data structure

How it would look:

    "title": "top gun", 
    "content": "check out my top gun"


Now that we have our HTTP packet set up, we can move on to the FastAPI code

  • You will have to import the Body parameter from fastapi.params

from fastapi.params import Body
  • Once this is imported you are able to set up the function so that it converts the JSON sent via HTTP request to a python dictionary and stores it into the payload variable

def create_posts(payload: dict = Body(...)):
  • Then you can return the variable

def create_posts(payload: dict = Body(...)):
    return payload

Full Code:

from fastapi.params import Body"/createpost")
def create_posts(payload: dict = Body(...)):
    return payload

Alternatively you can print this to the screen:"/createpost")
def create_posts(payload: dict = Body(...)):


    return {"message": "successfully created post"}

Once you run this via uvicorn and send the packet via postman you should get the dictionary printed in the terminal:

  • Note on line 8 that the dictionary got printed

INFO:     Shutting down
INFO:     Waiting for application shutdown.
INFO:     Application shutdown complete.
INFO:     Finished server process [29399]
INFO:     Started server process [29594]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
{'title': 'top gun', 'content': 'check out my top gun'}
INFO: -"POST /createpost HTTP/1.1" 200 OK

Even better you could return the results via an f string referencing the dictionary key"/createpost")
def create_posts(payload: dict = Body(...)):


    return {"new_post": f"title: {payload['title']} content: {payload['content']}"}
  • Note that the payload dictionary can be referenced normally by key

Postman Results:

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