Regions & Availability Zones


Split in more then +60 Regions: (Not all regions are available for everyone)

Some Regions do have some normal access to them like China. The China region is run by a different Chinese company and in order to be able to access it you would need to have an agreement with that company.

Region Pairs

What are Paired Regions?

  • Each region has one other region which is treated as it's "pair"

  • Almost always in the same geography - data storage laws

  • The data connection between region pairs is the highest speed available

  • Software rollouts are deployed to one region of a pair and the other is not touched

  • if multiple regions go down, one region of each pair is treated as a priority

Example Pairs

Canada: Canada Central - Canada East

Europe: North Europe - West Europe

USA: East US - West US

USA: East US2 - Central US

USA: North Central US - South Central US

Brazil: Brazil South - South Central US

Availability Zones

Regions are broken up further into Availability Zones You can choose to which Availability Zone in the Region you want to deploy too.

Each Availability Zone is separated from each other running on it's own power, cooling and network

  • So if there are issues with power or other similar stuff it's likely only to affect one of the Availability Zones but not the other/others

Last updated