Updating entries

PUT method

  • We have to pass in all the data, not only the fields that have to be updated

  • First we need to create the Path Operation

Note: Since we're receiving data from the front end, we want to make sure that the data is sent in a predetermined model

  • We could make another class with the required format

  • But since the data we expect is the exact same, we will use the Post class

class Post(BaseModel):
    title: str
    content: str
    published: bool = True
    rating: Optional[int] = None
class Post(BaseModel):
    title: str
    content: str
    published: bool = True
    rating: Optional[int] = None

def update_posts(id: int, post: Post):
    index = find_index_post(id)

    # Raising a 404 if post index position of post is not found
    if index == None:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=f"post with {id} does not exist")

    post_dict = post.dict()     # Converting the data sent by frontend to python dict
    post_dict["id"] = id        # Setting the ID to be equal to the ID from the frontend
    my_posts[index] = post_dict # Replace the post with the updated post

    return {"data": post_dict}  # Return new post post
  • Below we have the current post:

    "title": "title of post 1",
    "content": "content of post 1"
  • If we want to update we will have to send a PUT request with all the fields, even if we're only updating the title

    "title": "UPDATED TITLE",
    "content": "content of post 1"

Last updated