Getting Deep into the Technical:
Compute Services
Networking Services
Storage Services
Database Services
Azure Marketplace
Compute services covered:
Virtual Machines (VM)
App Services (Web apps)
Azure Container Instances (ACI)
Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)
Windows Virtual Desktop
What is Compute?
Compute: "Executing code" in the cloud
Virtual Machines:
Infrastructure as a Service - IaaS
Take an existing machine from your environment into the cloud - a copy
Windows or Linux OS - several of each
A "slice" of a physical machine shared with other customers
Full control over it, as if it was your machine
Virtual Machine Types
Over 200 to choose from
Number of CPU cores
CPU speed
RAM size
temporary disk size
App Services:
Platform as a service (PaaS)
A new paradigm for running code in the cloud
Give your code and configuration to Azure and they will run it
Promise of performance but no access to hardware
Another paradigm for running code in the cloud
Containers contain everything the app needs to run in a "container image"
Fastest and easiest to deploy
Azure Container Instance (ACI) - Single instance, quickest way to deploy a container
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) - Runs on a cluster of servers, enterprise-grade
Windows Virtual Desktop
Desktop version of Windows that runs in the cloud
Your software installed, your files - available form anywhere
Can even see your desktop on IOS and Android from any web browser
Runs on Azure
Last updated