Compute Resources

Getting Deep into the Technical:

  • Compute Services

  • Networking Services

  • Storage Services

  • Database Services

  • Azure Marketplace

Compute services covered:

  • Virtual Machines (VM)

  • App Services (Web apps)

  • Azure Container Instances (ACI)

  • Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)

  • Windows Virtual Desktop

What is Compute?

Compute: "Executing code" in the cloud

Virtual Machines:

  • Infrastructure as a Service - IaaS

  • Take an existing machine from your environment into the cloud - a copy

  • Windows or Linux OS - several of each

  • A "slice" of a physical machine shared with other customers

  • Full control over it, as if it was your machine

Virtual Machine Types

Over 200 to choose from


  • Number of CPU cores

  • CPU speed

  • RAM size

  • temporary disk size

  • IOPS

  • etc...

App Services:

  • Platform as a service (PaaS)

  • A new paradigm for running code in the cloud

  • Give your code and configuration to Azure and they will run it

  • Promise of performance but no access to hardware


  • Another paradigm for running code in the cloud

  • Containers contain everything the app needs to run in a "container image"

  • Fastest and easiest to deploy

  • Azure Container Instance (ACI) - Single instance, quickest way to deploy a container

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) - Runs on a cluster of servers, enterprise-grade

Windows Virtual Desktop

  • Desktop version of Windows that runs in the cloud

  • Your software installed, your files - available form anywhere

  • Can even see your desktop on IOS and Android from any web browser

  • Runs on Azure

Last updated