Looping and Unpacking with Dictionaries and Tuples
Looping and Unpacking with Dictionaries and Tuples
Looping through a Dictionary:
employees = {'mike': 27000, 'john':65000, 'rebeca':6000, 'tom':10000 }
# By default the below for loop is `employees.keys()`
for person in employees:
print(person) # This will print the KEY of the DICT
for entry in employees.items():
print(entry) # This will print the ENTIRE Entry
for salary in employees.values():
print(salary) # This will print the VALUES of the DICT
Unpacking the data:
The ability to extract each individual item from a DICT
employees = {'mike': 27000, 'john':65000, 'rebeca':6000, 'tom':10000 }
# By using both the 'key' and the 'value' of the DICT
for key, value in employees.items():
# We can now print the key and value individually:
Unpacking a list of tuples:
employees = [('mike', 27000, 29), ('john',65000, 29), ('rebeca',6000, 29)('tom',10000, 29)]
for (name, salary, age) in employees: