Create cloud-init template

  1. Download the image on the Hypervisor (Proxmox)


2. Rename the image to something more normal:

mv debian-11-generic-amd64-20220121-894.raw debian11-cloudinit.raw

3. Create the VM with a free number

qm create 101

4. Import the raw image as disk for the vm (101 in our case) and specify the volume (vms in our case)

qm importdisk 101 debian11-cloudinit.raw vms

5. Change the Bus Device to SCSI, Tick Discard, Click add

6. Enable the SCSI Device as the boot device (Click enable)

7. Add a network device with the following config:

8. Set up cloudinit storage device:

With the following config:

  1. Set up credentials:

To configure network IP:

Example of IP and Gateway:

  • This will make it so that the VM starts with the defined params

Note: If you have added multiple network devices (say you need the device to be reachable on 2 vlans, then you will have multiple network adapters in cloudinit tab

Last updated