DevOps Solutions

DevOps Solutions:

  • Azure DevOps

  • GitHub

  • GitHub Actions

  • Azure DevTest Labs

DevOps = Developers + Operations

Tools for:

  • Kanban

  • CI/CD

  • Versioning of code


  • MSFT bought Github in 2018

  • The most popular place to store your company's source code

  • has private and public options

  • Integrates with tools such as Visual Studio

  • Based on the "git" source control language invented by Linus Torvalds of Linux fame

Github Actions

  • Automate sofware workfolws

  • What happens once someone "checks in" changes to code?

    • Compiles and deploys to dev environment

  • Possibly includes Continuous Integration (CI)

  • Possibly includes automatic compilation of code to check for errors

  • Possibly includes running a suite of tests againt code

Having a Web App automatically update when new code is checked in

Last updated