NRQL Alerts examples

  • NRQL is a custom New Relic Language that is very similar to the SQL Language

AWS Applications

ELB HTTP codes:

SELECT average(aws.applicationelb.HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count) FROM Metric FACET entityName

ALB HTTP codes:

SELECT count(`aws.applicationelb.HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count`) FROM Metric FACET entityName

ALB HTTP codes based on name:

SELECT count(aws.applicationelb.HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count) FROM Metric WHERE displayName like '%NAME-HERE%'

Process Monitoring:

SELECT * FROM ProcessSample Where processDisplayName where processDisplayName like '%%'
SELECT count(*) FROM ProcessSample FACET entityName where processDisplayName LIKE 'aws-es-proxy'

RDS Free Space:

SELECT min(aws.rds.FreeLocalStorage) from Metric FACET entityName

K8S / EKS:

SELECT * from K8sClusterSample

Select from Incidents:

SELECT * FROM NrAiIncident where conditionName like '%Pod%'

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