Set up Joplin and CalDav on Nextcloud

  1. First you need to go to the config section in Joplin

  2. You need to get the WebDav link from Nextcloud and add /joplin at the end

  3. If you have 2FA enabled you need to create a one time password via security settings

  4. Enter username and one-time password.

  5. Remove Joplin Folder from Nextcloud Sync Client

  • If folder is active this causes issues where the Client keeps failing to Sync

  • Besides, Joplin already syncs directly, all you have to do is set up the same connection on a different PC

6. Check if the sync works:

Note: The same procedure for syncing Calendar as well with DAVx but you need to login via Phone on App. After that the Sync is active.

Last updated