Jboss process not working

Note: If the Jboss instance / server is behind a Bastion server or similar use ssh tunnel to access the instance

  • Once SSH tunnel is active access website via URL with localhost:



1. Stop processes 2. Check processes on Linux 3. If still active use kill and wait 4. If still active use kill -9 5. Try to start the server manually with command:

manage-instance.sh -i instance_name start

6. If failed, restart whole AWS instance via console or by using shutdown -r now 7. Check process

ps -ef | grep java | grep Server:INSTANCE_NAME # there should be a process

Note: Needs refresh once you hit start/stop button on the web interface (old app) since it does not update status correctly unless you use refresh

To check the logs use:

tail -200f /opt/jboss/jboss-eap-6.0/domain/servers/INSTANCE_NAME/log/drm.log

Note: Request times out but best way is to check logs to see if it starts properly. Check for the below:

INFO  2022-05-03 09:26:47,284 [EDRMStartUp,MSC service thread 1-6]


 Starting Axeda Enterprise Server 112217 (2015/01/26 13:11:58 EST) Release

 Protected by US Patent No. 6,757,714.


  • Then refresh page to see if the tick is there

Last updated