What is Log Aggregation?

  • It's a way of collecting and tagging application logs from many different services into a single dashboard that can easily be searched


  • Gets all the messages

  • Uses each field as a tag (let's say, time, user, what the user did

  • Does not log the messages but sends them to Elasticsearch


  • Efficient database that logs all the info coming in from Logstash


  • You as the admin would connect to Kibana

  • Kibana would query Elasticsearch (the DB)

  • You would get the results needed to identify the fault

How to use ELK to diagnose a PROD problem?

  • Report: user saw error code 12345 when he tried to do "x" actions

  • With ELK set up, all we have to do is go to Kibana and query recent logs for 12345

  • That might give us the name of the service: "backend"

  • Then we could narrow down the time to the five second interval around the error and filter for log messages emitted by either the backend or the database

  • Finally, we'd read those log messages to find the context for the bug

Bonus: Add log aggregation as an extra test

  • Could be useful to see if there is any error messages coming back from running the stack

FROM vm/ubuntu:18.04

RUN docker-compose up -d
RUN docker-compose -f elk.yml up -d
RUN docker-compose exec web npm run test
RUN docker-compose exec elasticsearch curl -x GET 'http://localhost:9200/logs/_search

Options of Log Aggregation platforms:

  • ELK

  • Fluentd

  • DataDog

  • LogDNA

  • AWS CloudWatch Logs

Last updated